Metal_gear_jon wrote:You can thank ourselves for killing the board. is kicking ass and not many people in the OKI area that are driving neons even care about them to be on the board so........ back to buying junk on Ebay I go .
You can thank ourselves for killing the board. is kicking ass and not many people in the OKI area that are driving neons even care about them to be on the board so........ back to buying junk on Ebay I go .
You can thank ourselves for killing the board. is kicking ass and not many people in the OKI area that are driving neons even care about them to be on the board so........ back to buying junk on Ebay I go .
You can thank ourselves for killing the board. is kicking ass and not many people in the OKI area that are driving neons even care about them to be on the board so........ back to buying junk on Ebay I go .
My alternator on my 95 is making a horrible bearing noise and my lights go from dim to bright when I step on the gas , so it's going to crap out at any time..... so if anybody has one that works and will sell for $10 bucks or so, I'll take it.
works for me.... I'll check again friday to see.... as for the mileage, no clue..... should be under 60k it came out of a clean front clip back in '05. I guess I was half right.....